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The Full Story

Food Mission

Kim Yohan 김요한 Bubble

Kim Yohan posts on Bubble the recipes and photos of the food he has cooked.

He asks his fans to try out the recipes and post photos of their cooked food 

on  X (previously known as Twitter) and tag  #김요한 #맛나게즐기자 since 21 Nov 2023.

He shared that he watches social media for recipes and also 닭고기 찜 Sung Si Kyung Recipe on YouTube and asks fans to check the YouTube out too.

Mission 1:
Braised Cutlassfish &
Stir Fried Pork
[21 Nov 2023]

Yohan posted 3 photos of his cooking!  ❤️

김요한  맛나게즐기자 Kim Yohan Food Mission Bubble

Yohan posted a selca/ selfie on Bubble that day! ❤️

김요한 Kim Yohan WEi 위아이 X1 Bubble

Here's @eun83080 Food Mission posted on X.  It is so beautiful! 

Here's @pinipini_pin Food Mission posted on X.  Cute 🐰 bunny design.

Mission 1:
갈치조림 그리고 제육볶음  
Braised Cutlassfish &
Stir Fried Pork

[21 Nov 2023]

How the Food Mission Emerged

It all started when Yohan posted photos of food he had cooked (Stir Fried Pork and sausage).

Then he posted that he wanted to eat Braised Cutlassfish.

He disappeared  (to cook) and returned to Bubble.


He posted a photo of the Braised Cutlassfish he just cooked. He also apologized to those who are dieting for posting food photos --CUTE!


Fans asked him for the recipe. He shared 2 recipes that he liked (Stir Fried Pork and Braised Cutlassfish. Then, he asked his fans to try it out and post proof of their food on X and hashtag  #김요한 #맛나게즐기자



다진마늘1,진간장4,고추장1,고춧가루3,맛술1, 설탕1
갈치 지느러미는 가위로 자르고 칼집내기 무랑 감자 팬에 깔고 손질한갈치와 양파채썬거 올리기 양념장 부어주고 물 500넣고 끓이기


Braised cutlassfish seasoning

1 minced garlic, 4 dark soy sauce, 1 red pepper paste, 3 red pepper powder, 1 cooking wine, 1 sugar



1. Cut the fins of the cutlassfish with scissors and make incisions.

2. Place them in a pan with potatoes.

3. Add the cleaned cutlassfish and sliced ​​onions.

4. Pour the seasoning sauce and boil with 500% water.


돼지고기 앞다리살 500에
고추장 2.5 고춧가루2. 진간장3 맛술2. 다진마늘1
설탕2.5 후추톡톡 뿌려 주물러섞어주기
팬에 대파기름내고 숨죽으면 고기넣고 볶고 양파당근 추 가하고 물조금 추가해서 끓이기 국물 없어지먄 참깨 참기름넣고 끝

Stir-fried pork


- Pork leg meat for 500 Red pepper paste 2.5 Red pepper powder 2. 3 dark soy sauce, 2 cooking liquor. Minced garlic 1 Sprinkle 2.5 sugar and pepper and mix well.


1. Add green onion oil to the pan and when it starts to get soft,

2. Add meat and stir-fry.

3. Add onions and carrots.

4. Add a little water and boil.

5. When the soup runs out, add sesame seeds and sesame oil.

6. Finish. 😀

Mission 2:
Steamed Chicken

[25 Nov 2023]


준비물- 무항생제 닭다리살,소홍주,굴소스,생강, 양파1.5, 쪽파,식용유,참기름
1. 닭다리살 껍질부위만 굽고 빼놓기
2. 소홍주4스푼,간장2스푼,굴소스2스푼넣고 섞기
3. 양파 생강 잘라서 팬에 식용유 두바퀴넣고 약간볶기
4. 쪽파를 위에 펼치고 고기 넣기
5. 뚜껑덮고 약불 바꾸고 15분 익히기
6. 쪽파 썰어서 넣고 참기름 한바퀴


Steam Chicken Ingredients

Antibiotic-free chicken thigh, red wine, oyster sauce, ginger, onion 1.5, chives, cooking oil, sesame oil



1. Grill only the skin of the chicken thighs and remove from pan.

2. Add 4 spoons of red wine, 2 spoons of soy sauce, and 2 spoons of oyster sauce and mix.

3. Cut the onion and ginger, add two tablespoons of cooking oil to the pan and fry slightly.

4. Spread the chives on top and add the chicken pieces..

5. Cover with a lid, turn the heat to low, and cook for 15 minutes. 6. Add chopped chives and a drizzle of sesame oil.

[성시경 레시피] 닭고기 찜 Sung Si Kyung Recipe - Steamed Chicken:

Here's @KYHANDKSH Food Mission posted on X.  Music video of food preparation and cooking in sequence.

Mission 2:
Steamed Chicken 닭고기찜

[25 Nov 2023]

Yohan posted the steamed chicken he had cooked  ❤️

김요한  맛나게즐기자 Kim Yohan Food Mission Bubble

Yohan posted a photo of Step 3 of his cooking.

김요한  맛나게즐기자 Kim Yohan Food Mission Bubble

Yohan posted 2 photos of Step 4 of his cooking.

김요한  맛나게즐기자 Kim Yohan Food Mission Bubble
김요한  맛나게즐기자 Kim Yohan Food Mission Bubble

Here's @eun83080 Food Mission Post on X.  Wow! Fire gun to caramelise the chicken skin!

Here's @green2704 Food Mission posted on X.  Lovely muisc video.

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